When it hurts to walk or bend your ankle, you may have an inflamed tendon, also known as tendonitis. Thomas LeBeau, DPM, FACCWS, a highly experienced podiatrist and founder of St. Augustine Foot, Ankle & Vein in St. Augustine, Florida, alleviates your tendonitis pain with supportive therapies and helps you avoid future tendon injuries, too. If you live in the St. Augustine area and want relief from tendonitis, call the friendly staff or contact them with the online form.

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What is tendonitis?

Tendonitis (also known as tendinitis) is an inflammation in one or more of your tendons. Tendons are strong, flexible, bands of tissue that connect your muscles to your bones. 

One of the most common areas for tendonitis that causes foot pain is in the Achilles tendon, which is the main tendon in your foot. The Achilles tendon runs from your heel bone to your calf muscle. 

Other tendons in your foot that could develop tendonitis are your posterior tibial tendon, which holds up your arch and connects your foot bones to your calf, and your two peroneal tendons. 

Your peroneal tendons run side-by-side from your calf muscle down the bone in your lower leg. One peroneal tendon attaches to the base of your little toe and the other attaches to the inside of your arch.

What are the symptoms of tendonitis?

If you have tendonitis, the main symptom is pain when you move your foot. Other symptoms could include:

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Warm skin
  • Redness

If you have tendonitis, first try resting your foot for a while. Seek medical treatment if your symptoms don’t resolve in a day or two. 

Why do I have tendonitis?

You get tendonitis when you injure or traumatize your tendon. You’re more at risk for tendonitis as you age because your tendons and other tissues grow weaker with time. You’re also more likely to have tendonitis if you:

  • Play sports 
  • Run
  • Jump
  • Are overweight
  • Wear poorly fitting shoes
  • Have arthritis
  • Have calcium deposits near tendons

Dr. LeBeau conducts an examination and may order imaging studies to determine why your tendon is inflamed.

How do I treat tendonitis?

If you have mild tendonitis, Dr. LeBeau recommends the RICE protocol: Rest your foot; Ice the injured area; Compress the injury with an elastic bandage; Elevate your foot. You can control pain and inflammation with an over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication. 

How do podiatrists treat tendonitis?

If your symptoms don’t improve in a day or two, Dr. LeBeau recommends you come in for an evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment. If he determines you have tendonitis, he custom designs a minimally invasive treatment plan based on the severity and frequency of your symptoms. Treatments may include:

  • Foot physical therapy
  • Splint or brace
  • Corticosteroids
  • Custom computer-made orthotics
  • Foot circulation treatment
  • Prescription footwear

To get relief from tendonitis and prevent it from happening again, contact St. Augustine Foot, Ankle & Vein by phone or online form.